Happy Birthday, Pop!

Today is my dad’s birthday. I won’t lie – I don’t know how old he is. I think he’s 60 this year? Anyway, if he is sixty, you’d never know it. Sure, his mustache is silvery white, and his hair a little sparse. But those are the only telltale signs of his age.

  • He is wise – definitely the kind of man that everyone comes to for sound advice.
  • He is funny – yes, we groan out loud at his cheesy jokes, but inside we’re laughing.
  • He is godly – he is a man after God’s heart, and that is reflected in everything he does.
  • He is handy – he can fix ANYthing and has said that he is much like his own father in that regard. If it’s not working, just take it apart and see what you can do.
  • He is a hard worker – some might say “workaholic” but he’s really not. He just likes to stay busy and I’ll be very surprised the day he actually “retires” from working.
  • He loves my mom – unconditionally, through good and bad, sickness and health.

Happy birthday, Pop (your gift is in the mail)!

05 comments on “Happy Birthday, Pop!

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    Happy Birthday, Pop!!! Another 60 to go, if you are indeed 60 years old.

    How do you like the sound of that?

    GGMa is getting close to the age of dirt, why can’t you live to the age of primordial ooze?

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    Cut the kid some slack. At least she remembered Pop’s birthday on his actual birthday date unlike some Marmie’s we know and love. She’s still doing penance for that one.

  • Pop , Direct link to comment

    Thanks for the kind words…nice to know my corny jokes do elicit something other than groans.

    As for primordial ooze, I remember when it first appeared…right after the earth cooled.

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