New Bed

The day will come eventually for CootieGirl to get new mattresses. The ones she has are the cheapest we could have possibly gotten at the time of purchase. I think we had just moved into the NoNJ house and just needed SOMEthing for the guest room, so we spent the bare minimum we could possibly spend, knowing the bed would only get used sporadically.

Well now those mattresses have become CootieGirl’s and as she gets older and bigger (and thus heavier), the need to replace those mattresses will arise. I’m thinking that we’ll move the guest room bed into her room (I believe her bedframe will hold up to a Queen), move our king into the guest room, and then buy a new bed for the master bedroom.

And what kind of bed will we possibly get? A Tempurpedic, of course. Most likely one of those memory-foam beds. Our current bed is certainly comfortable, but there are some mornings that I wake up and just know that I didn’t get the right kind of comfortable sleep that I know a Tempurpedic bed could give.

I know they are expensive, but it’s a good investment. Beds are made now to last 10 years – even more. So why not spend $2000 on a REALLY good mattress set that is going to last for 10 years or more? That’s only $200 a year, and a lot of people pay more than that each year for just a couple nights at a hotel. I’d much rather pay that kind of money knowing that my back is supported and that I’ll have no neck pain from my OWN bed.

Besides, the idea of having something that developed and used by NASA is kind of cool.