Well That Was a Colossal Waste of Time

When Mr. BIL left for his meeting I went to Blondie Boss and told her I was heading over to the party venue to practice. I got there at 4 p.m. and found our rep, who took me to the room where the party is. Room looks great.

Sound check? Not so great.

They couldn’t get the wireless mics to work even though they said they worked last night. Then they couldn’t get my CD to play. Finally around 4:30 p.m. they got all the WIRED mics to work fine, but still no CD. Their CD player was registering that the song was only 27 seconds long and wouldn’t play it at all.

Then I find out that Mr. BIL is back here at the office even though he said he wasn’t coming back.


I stuck around another 20 minutes because someone told me that the Firm’s rep was bringing her laptop to the venue. I finally got her on her cell and she said she wasn’t going to be there for another 30 minutes. At that point I left because I knew Mr. BIL was looking for me and there was no way I could practice AND meet L-Train back here in time to go to her place to get ready.

So I haven’t practiced on the soundsystem. Our Firm coordinator told me to meet her there at 6:45 p.m. to practice before people were let into the room.
