Today’s The Day

Today is the day of the big talent show here at the Firm. Everyone is all aflutter and emails are being sent at a furious pace.

I’ve been practicing like a mad fool and I can finally sing the song without flubbing and switching to the original song’s lyrics. I’m still concerned that it’s at the very low end of my vocal register but I think it’ll be okay.

And I found out this morning that it’s no longer going to be a “Gong Show” type thing with a panel of judges. Instead, the entire firm and guests will be voting for the winner of the talent show. There goes my edge – I had BOTH BOSSES on the original judges panel!!

I found out yesterday that L-Train and Em are going to be in the talent show. They printed something to the printer and somehow it ended up in my printing tray, so when I went to pick up one of my print jobs I saw their little skit. I gave it to her and she was miffed to have been found out. *lol* She was hoping it could be a surprise – apparently NO ONE other than the talent show organizers know that they were going to do something (it’s a comedy routine about all the attorneys and paralegals).

Last night I went online one last time to see if I could find an karaoke track in a different key, but every track I found was in the exact same key as the original. Oh well.

Should be fun though!

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