Check Your Freezers, People!

Totino’s and Jeno’s pizzas are being recalled for E. Coli. I know we’ll be emptying out our freezer tonight since we buy a LOT of Totino’s and I’d be surprised if we DIDN’T have at least one pizza that was a match to the recall (any pizza with pepperoni on it, basically).

So if you are a fan of Totino’s or Jeno’s (like our family is), then check your freezers.

Denis just emailed me regarding the recall with one sentence, “Oh well.” Heh. Hope he wasn’t planning on having one of those tonight!

Speaking of food, now that it is November, do you know what I’m ALL ABOUT? PUMPKIN PIE!! I’ve told our small group to expect a pumpkin pie next Tuesday as part of the dinner Denis and I are bringing. Denis said someone at his office brought in the pumpkin pie to his office last week and that while the PIE portion tasted good, the crust was a bit off. He said, “With my crust and that lady’s recipe for the filling that would be one GREAT pie.”

I can’t WAIT.

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