Ready To Go Live

People keep asking me if I’m ready to sing live at the Firm party on Friday. In a word: YES. I downloaded the accompaniment track a couple days ago and have been practicing in my car. I now officially know all the words to my song and this morning sang it TWICE with no messing up whatsoever. Am I nervous? Not really – I know it’ll be funny and get laughs. My only concern is that it’s in the deepest lowest part of my register (I’m a low alto) so unless I’m eating the mike a couple words might not be heard.

Do you want me to print the lyrics?

Here – I’ll do the first couple of verses to the first chorus. The song is “Your Body is a Wonderland” by John Mayer, but I’ve changed the words to talk about Mr. BIL’s infamously messy office.

So sing along…

We got the afternoon
This office and a broom
One thing I’ve left to do
Clean it up
Clean up this room

One mile to every inch of
Your files to organize
One stack of dictation tapes and
your cluttered up desk

So if you want clean
I’ll do it
Swimming a deep sea
of post-its
Take all my big plans
and break ’em
This is bound to be a while.

Your office is a wonderland
Your office is a wonder (I’ll wash my hands)
your office is a wonderland…

And it goes from there. It’s gonna be FUN.

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