Approvals Starting to Come In

The blog post approvals on my Pay Per Post stuff have started to come in. I now have five six posts approved (for $43 $50.75) with 21 20 pending approval (totalling $234.71). The first of the money starts being deposited into my account on November 10th and then I’ll get something deposited just about every day after that going forward. I’m so excited about that because this money is coming just when property taxes are due on the two cars, the land and the house. It’ll be nice to pay for those things without the money digging into our paychecks at all. ESPECIALLY with Christmas just around the corner as well.

There have been issues the past couple of days with the PPP website not accepting post submissions – in fact, I have a help desk ticket for a post I made yesterday, although I think that it’s too late since the opp ended last night with my submission being made due to the error. If it ends up not being accepted I’ll delete that particular post altogether.

But so far so good and I’m pleased with my progress.