Definitely Shopping Today

After a few emails with my rep last night and this morning I’m definitely doing a secret shop today. It’ll be my first one and I get a small bonus if I file the report tonight as opposed to tomorrow. I’m kind of excited, but also annoyed that I have to go to a mall that is NOT convenient to my office. But hey, I wanted a way to break into secret shopping, and this is it, so that’s fine.

There must not be a lot of secret shoppers in my local area (I already know there aren’t a lot of actual secret shop opportunities available) because this job was first listed early this week and by yesterday no one had accepted it, so the rep emailed people directly about the job. I originally wasn’t going to do it because of the mall location, but after emailing with the rep I figured – what the heck, might as well. It may cause her to email me directly with stuff as opposed to just posting it on the website.

05 comments on “Definitely Shopping Today

  • Amy , Direct link to comment

    That’s so cool. I looked into doing this a long, long time ago but I figured it was all a hoax. Let me know how it turns out.

  • Cristan , Direct link to comment

    I do ShoppersHotline – it’s kind of like Nielson’s ratings for purchases. I’ve made $5 so far (woo-hoo!) But it’s easy and they send you a debit card that they fill up – the more info you upload, the more $ and coupons they send.

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    If there’s a way for Jaynee to make five extra dollars, she will. Cristan, why did you have to go tell her about ShoppersHotline? LOL

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    This job I’m doing today will be paying $13 if I am able to file the shop report today. It’ll be $10 if I wait and file the report tomorrow. Then I’ll get an additional $5 after I do the return next week. So the total is either $15 or $18, which is decent.

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