Busy Non-Day

I have had a very busy day but yet nothing done.

I cleared out my dictation screen last night – was VERY proud of that considering I kept coming in all week to find 7-10 jobs in the queue. Last night I got the very last one done.

Hollow victory, that. Came in this morning to five new ones. He was a busy bee last night.

Today I’ve been doing lots of trifling things, but nothing has actually been FINALIZED.

But I refuse to let myself get frustrated, because I know tomorrow since our accounting people are all out, he has no choice but to let me dictate what goes out tomorrow. He can’t do any tasks that relate to accounting since they won’t be around. That limits his ability to do certain projects that we have on tap and I’m hopeful that we can get EVERYTHING ELSE out tomorrow. That would be a nice way to head into the weekend.