Ready for a New Cell Phone Plan?

My cellphone is beat up. It’s Denis’ old phone and when he uses his phone he really uses his phone. Seriously – after 12 months his looked like it had been run over while mine looked like it did when it came out of the box. But when we moved last summer he opted to upgrade his phone to a PDA phone, and then when I spilled orange juice on my pristine phone I was forced to move my SIM card to his phone when mine stopped working altogether. Recently my phone has begun just shutting off for no reason – battery still fully charged, in the middle of a call, it goes completely dead as though I turned the whole thing off. It’s very frustrating because you never know when it’s going to do that.

Now the time has come that I want to not only switch cellphones, but possibly switch our service provider. When we originally got these phones, we bought them through Wirefly and got a GREAT deal – tons of minutes, extras, two good phones, decent contract price.

Well, now I have discovered that Wirefly is probably the only site that offers the ability to do true comparison shopping in order to find the best phone and plan that will work for your needs. Wirefly has this new Wireless Wizard that asks you things like how many minutes you use per month and whether they are primarily local or long distance calls, and then lays out all of the plans that meet your particular calling needs. I can imagine this would be very helpful in deciding whether you want to stick with your current provider or switch to one offering a better deal. The ability to compare wireless plans is a great addition to Wirefly’s website.

As for me, my current plan says I’m not allowed to upgrade my phone until May 2008, but I will most likely do the comparison at Wirefly and see what I can do. If my current plan ends up being the best one after using Wirefly, I may call and see if they’ll just let me do the upgrade in exchange for another year of service or something like that. It’s nice to know that when the times comes to do that comparison shopping, it’ll be as easy as visiting