The Best Egg Nog EVER

I tried to find it online, but Denis bought a carton of Egg Nog the other day that is the most amazing egg nog I have ever had in my life.

Sugar Cookie Egg Nog

Just typing it makes my mouth begin to water.

I had my doubts, but last night I finally had a chance to pour a cup and it was AMAZING. Imagine all the best parts of a sugar cookie and the best parts of egg nog and you have this fantastic special edition.

Tonight when I get home I’ll look at who makes it and what store carries it so you can all go rush out and buy it. I have told Denis that since the expiration date on the carton he bought is sometime in December, he has my permission to buy out the store next time he sees it, so that we won’t run out anytime soon.

No, I’m not kidding about that.

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