Post Office Shipping Blues

I got an email over the weekend from a potential customer about mailing one of my adult sized blankets to her in Canada. She asked what the shipping would be. I currently use a small little foodscale to weigh all of my packages going out but I’m thinking of Get a Shipping Scale so that I can have more confidence about what the actual weight is of the bigger boxes I end up shipping. The one I really like is the Pelouze Digital Postal Scale which not only calculates the weight but can add things like insurance to the postage but will also do rate comparisons. The kicker though, is the capability to update the postal rates via internet connection.

For the Canadian who contacted me, I did my best with the little food scale I have, but since the box I had the blanket in was pretty large, it made it hard to see the actual weight of the item since when I moved the box the number automatically went back to zero. In the end I used what I think the scale said and went online to USPS and UPS to figure out the shipping cost, and even that was a bear. It would have been so much easier to have a postal scale RIGHT THERE that could not only calculate the cost for USPS but ALSO provide me with the UPS cost as well.

Definitely something to think about if I keep up this art/blanket business for a long time.