My Cubicle

dwight.jpegMy cubicle is slowly being over-run. As everyone knows, I’m a huge fan of “The Office.” My love affair with this show has caused me to be the one person that all “Office” related products end up going to. I am also the one that does the “Office Roundup” every Friday morning, forwarding the best quotes from the prior night’s episode to all who are interested.

Anyway, on display in my cubicle, so far I have:

1) Dundie Award – came with my Season 3 DVD set
2) Mini Dwight bobblehead – came with my Season 3 DVD set
3) Four “Office” magnets – just received from L-Train this morning
4) a “Dwight” mini-poster which outlines his skills as dictated by his first name (Determined, Worker, Intense, Good Worker, Hard Worker and Terrific) – from Wendy
5) an “I Heart Jim” post-it note pad – from Nicole

My goal is to have my ENTIRE CUBE covered in “Office” stuff.

About those post-it notes that say “I heart Jim” – I always try to give at least one or two to Mr. BIL a day – usually on a post-it note that a client will eventually see. 😉

And would that I could attend this!