Life Group – Take Two

Last night was our second Life Group meeting with folks at church. We have a good group – all in our 30s and early 40s. All but one couple have children under five years old. Last night we had dinner and then for about an hour or so we went through the first chapter of our study which is really more of an orientation about what we’ll be doing over the next 12-18 months.

I think it’s going to be a great group as we continue to get to know each other. One woman is a Kelly Ripa clone (not just looks but personality) and her husband could be Hugh Grant’s brother. One couple wasn’t there since they just had a baby on Saturday. Hopefully they’ll be back in a couple weeks though, bringing the little one with them. Denis signed up to take them dinner on Friday night.

Last night during the dinner portion of the night some of talked about local restaurants and entertainment – it seems that ALL of us like Brian Regan. So you KNOW I’m going to be recommending we go as a group next time Brian Regan is in Charlotte.

The study portion of the night went well, too – almost everyone answered the questions and got themselves involved in the discussion.