Dictation…I’m Over It

This morning when I arrived at work I found no less than ten dictation jobs in my “inbox.” TEN. Three from Blondie Boss, seven from Mr. BIL.

So pretty much all day long I’ve been typing my fingers away, trying to get through them. I laughed at one of them, wherein Mr. BIL let the tape roll for a good 1:45 minutes before remembering to shut it off. But other than that, it has been montonous and tiring.

With two hours left in my work day, I have three still to go, and one more currently in process. And I haven’t even addressed the package that Mr. BIL wants to go out today that has nothing to do with any dictation job.

The only thing keeping me going at this point is the knowledge that I’m in for a fun time tonight at the comedy show.