I Always Miss The Last 15 Minutes

So I’ve noticed that when I watch something I’ve Tivo’d, I almost always fall asleep with 15 minutes left to go. You’d think by that point I’d be invested enough in whatever I’m watching to stick with it for the last quarter, but without fail I wake up 30 minutes later to discover my Tivo has cut off and regular TV is back on.

Last week I tried to watch the last 15 minutes of “America’s Next Top Model” no less than 4 times and always fell asleep before my five minutes of “reminder footage” was through. After foru attempts in one night I gave up and went to bed, and only watched it a few nights later before my regular viewing began.

Last week I did the same thing watching my recording of “Pushing Daisies.” Just as it got to the big TA-DA moment I fell asleep. Three attempts to re-watch it later I gave and went to bed.

Thursday I tried watching “Survivor” after I got home from music practice – but I mixed it up this time and fell asleep during the FIRST 15 minutes. Last night Denis and I speed-watched the episode rather than sit through the whole thing.

Last night I also attempted to watch “Reaper” (have I mentioned lately how much this show makes me laugh?) and – you guessed it – with 15 minutes to go I was out cold. This time I learned my lesson. I only tried to watch the ending one time and when I woke up 30 minutes later I immediately turned everything off and went to bed.

I finally watched the last 15 of last week’s “Daisies” and this week’s “Reaper” this morning. Maybe that’s what I should start doing – just save up all those 15 minute misses and watch them on Saturday mornings while the kids are eating their breakfast.