Nothing Says “You’re a Good Boss!” Like Ice Cream

Today we had an ice cream treat for all the attorneys in the office in honor of National Bosses Day. What a scam that day is, huh? Sure, let me spend money on a person who makes 5x my meager salary!!

Anyway, all the admin staff was supposed to bring in goodies and toppings to go with the ice cream. I brought absolutely nothing and was quite vocal about what crap I thought the whole thing was. I teased Lori (from here on out to be called L-Train), who was in charge of “fun and festive fall foliage decorations” for the break room.

So I went up to the break room around 2 p.m. (the fun was going to start at 2:30 p.m.) to do more teasing, and just as I went to make my escape back to my desk to avoid the whole thing, our receptionist put an ice cream scooper in my hand and said, “You can scoop at that station!” What the….?

L-Train just started laughing because she knew I wanted absolutely no part in this made up ridonkulous Hallmark holiday event. Next thing I knew, attorneys were flooding into the breakroom and I had no choice but to scoop ice cream for the next 35-40 minutes. L-Train kept trying to leave the room and as soon as I’d see her head to the door I’d call out a request (more napkins, L-Train! more vanilla, L-Train! another glass of hot water, L-Train!) to ensure she had to stay for the whole thing as well.

And while all the attorneys appreciated it and sent out many emails of thanks to the staff, it still irritates me that I was coerced into participating.

06 comments on “Nothing Says “You’re a Good Boss!” Like Ice Cream

  • Julie , Direct link to comment

    LOL! I feel the same way about Bosses Day. It seems inane to make the lower paid employees spend their hard earned money on the people who are raking in the dough.

  • MB , Direct link to comment

    Or just put her in charge of “planning”. Period.

    I recall she was ever the planner of all things when I worked with her. We called J “The Planner” at our office as she was always off planning something, somewhere — If not for herself or her family, then for someone or something else!

    Ohhh I miss those days when she would saunter up to my desk and say … “Okay, so here’s what I’m thinking about doing ….” and so the grand plans would begin *lol*

  • miked , Direct link to comment

    lol… I’m so glad we don’t celebrate that holiday here in our office. I’d have the exact same attitude as you if I were in the same situation. Way to go on keeping L-Train with ya 😉

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