Cameras Everywhere

One of the best gifts that Denis got for Christmas last year was the SLR camera. His older digital camera, still worked well but was falling apart. So he did his research and had one picked out, and I got it for him for Christmas. That camera has been AWESOME and really improved his photography. The shots we get when we take the kids to the zoo show just how great the camera is. Denis looked into all kinds of cameras, including Nikon cameras, Canon cameras, and other assorted SLRs, before deciding on the one he wanted.

Most of us having digital cameras at this point right? And what’s the best part about having a digital camera? Say it with me: you save SO MUCH MONEY on printing. Denis will take literally dozens of shots of the kids and there will be those one or two that are perfect for printing and posting here online. And yet remember the old days when we used film and had to pay for ALL the pictures to be printed up and then hated 95% of them because they were out of focus or cut people’s heads off? I’m so happy those days are gone forever.

Denis has taken so many pictures over the years that we have a separate memory drive just for the pictures to be stored. And it’s all thanks to the digital SLR camera.