One Of Those Days

While my mood is good today, the work is not. Mr. BIL has me working on a client’s documents, and on the dictation he said, “You can find Exhibit 3 somewhere around here.” Well, I’ve been searching for 45 minutes and cannot find it. I’ve looked in the client file, Mr. BIL’s office, my cubicle – about the only places it could possibly be. Nowhere. Also missing are the three complete sets of file cases that we ordered from the courthouse about three weeks ago. I had them on my desk for several days and then Mr. BIL asked for them. I was hesitant to give them to him, but did. And now they are gone. He’s at lunch right now, so I can’t pick his brain about where things may be. It’s so frustrating.

Update an hour later: Okay, I give up. I’ve just spent another 45 minutes looking and I’m just not seeing it. So I left a note for Mr. BIL that I was going to lunch and would deal with it when I got back.