Showin’ Off The Talent

So my Firm is having a company event in a few weeks that includes drinks, dinner, a talent show and dancing. I have been all but coerced into participating in the talent show. To the point where my co-workers are currently writing up parody lyrics to a song for me to perform. This morning Lori came over to my desk all excited about a couple stanzas she wrote up to go with the song “You and Me Against the World.” Yes, the Helen Reddy song. Lori’s VERY excited. I told her she should get up and do it herself, to which she responded, “I write, you sing.”

Part of me will have a blast doing it, the other part of me is dreading it. It’s one thing to get up and sing at church, but completely different to get up and sing in front of people you WORK WITH. We’ll see what happens. Someone from the entertainment committee asked my last week what I plan on wearing. Uh…wearing? How about ‘what I wore to work?’ I asked her what SHE was wearing and she went into great detail about how this dinner has a HOLLYWOOD THEME (who knew?) and that since she was emceeing the show she was going to dress to the nines.

And here I thought the talent show was supposed to be a quazi-Gong Show with skits and stupid songs. At least, that’s what *I* was told – that’s why Lori is writing funny lyrics for whatever song she decides I should sing. But over the weekend I did hop online with a coupon I received in my email box, and bought a nice outfit that isn’t TOO over the top but could definitely be considered “dressing up” when compared to the rest of my wardrobe.

03 comments on “Showin’ Off The Talent

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    The last time I heard you speak about this show, you were going to write lyrics with the help of co-workers to have OTHER co-workers sing. What happened to all that? LOL

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Yeah, that went out the window when the attorney we pitched the ideas to decided to do something else. Now Lori has “told” me that I’m going to sing.

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    Wow… Do you know how many legal people, at my work, would have to review and rewrite that song before someone actually was allowed to sing it.

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