I’ve Been Up 12 Hours Already

I was supposed to get up at 5:30 a.m. this morning. I ended up getting out of bed at 6:08 a.m. because while I SET the alarm properly I failed to turn it ON. This meant I ran late getting the kids ready and ended up not getting over to my friend’s house until after 7 a.m. to drop them off for the day. However, thanks to no traffic on the road, I made it to the park in Charlotte where the craft market was taking place. I met my booth partner (she and her husband were AWESOME but he was eerily reminiscent of Phillip Seymour Hoffman in “Boogie Nights” only not quite as weird). We quickly set up the booth we were sharing and began hoping for the best.

Unfortunately, much like the market I hosted a couple weeks ago, SIGNAGE became an issue as we heard several people say they had difficulty finding us. Turns out, the coordinators put up a lot of signs in the vicinity, but the City took them down just as the market was starting. BIG BUMMER. Despite the lack of signage, it was a great day to be outside and we had reasonable foot traffic coming through.

I didn’t sell anything although I got a lot of compliments on the blankets that I had on display. A lot of folks took my business card and I’m hopeful that they’ll visit my website and/or Etsy shop and place an order. THAT would rock. The problem was that once again we had high temps (it got to about the mid- to upper-70s today) and no one wants to buy fleece blankets when they are sweating. So I’m hopeful that the fall festival I’m doing in a couple weeks turns out better. If not, I’m going to have to seriously consider whether I’m going to keep going with the art/blanket thing. I’ve invested a LOT of money in and am just not seeing the financial rewards at this point. The good news is if I decide to give it up I can sell my supplies on Etsy and recoup some of the money.

So we began to pack up our stuff around 4 p.m. and I was at Wendy’s house to get the kids by 5:30 p.m. We are now here at the house waiting for Papa John’s pizza to arrive. Yes, I could have thrown a frozen pizza into the oven, but at this point even THAT is too much work given how tired I am.