The Invitation’s In The Mail

Pam: There are a few people I decided not to invite, and that might make things kind of awkward but … it’s my wedding. And I don’t want anyone there who has called me a hussy.

All day long I’ve been asked if I plan on attending the office baby shower for the woman who is giving birth in about six weeks.

And all day long my answer has been “No, I wasn’t invited.”

“But surely you got the evite!” everyone asks as followup.

“Nope, I didn’t.”

Shock and horror follows as they realize that somehow my name got left off the list.

I’m not offended – even if I was invited I most likely wouldn’t be staying, since I have been with a sick child the past three days and wouldn’t have remembered to bring whatever gift I decided to bring had I been invited. And I’m not one to go to a baby shower without a gift.

So as I write, all the ladies and gents that were invited are downstairs in a conference room oohing and aahing over onesies and bibs and cute stuff animals.

And me? Happy that my husband’s plane has landed and that he’s on the way to pick up the kids right now as we speak. Happy that my workday is almost over and that thanks to being out the past three days, tomorrow is already FRIDAY. Happy that I got a lot done today on what turned out to be a busy day.