I’m Totally Confused

As you may recall, yesterday I skipped lunch in order to finish a long memo that Blondie Boss needed in prep for a 4 p.m. deadline. It wasn’t that big a deal – I ate pop-tarts at my desk and was fine. No biggie. Especially since she left early and Mr. BIL was in a meeting beginning at 4 p.m. The last two hours of my day were GREAT.

So this morning she all but DEMANDS to take me to lunch today. I hemmed and hah’ed and told her it wasn’t necesasry, but in the end she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

I’ve said before I hate going to lunch with bosses. Monday’s lunch with Mr. BIL was an exception because there were two other ADMINS there. If it had been me and three attorneys I would have said absolutely not. Anyway, I finally told Blondie Boss that I’d go to lunch with her.

Um…a few minutes ago she grabbed her keys and purse and left. Looking at the clock, it looks like a lunch sort of time to me.

Did she forget? Is she coming back in a bit to take me to lunch? She never tells me where she’s going when she leaves to go somewhere in the middle of the day. Oh, at the END of the day, when she’s leaving, she’ll tell me, “Going to pick up my daughter,” or “Have an appointment – see you tomorrow!” but mid-day she never says anything. So I have no idea if lunch is still on or whether I should go out at 1 p.m. like I normally do.

04 comments on “I’m Totally Confused

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Nope, she came back a few minutes before 1 p.m. and said, “You ready to go?”

    We went to an italian place. It ended up not being that bad – especially when she claimed I was “at least” 15 years younger than she is (she’s 43). NICE…

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    You’re at least five years younger. Does she look that old or do you look that young? I think we look our ages.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Denis – she doesn’t look too much older. She definitely looks like she’s in her 40s. All I can think is that she presumed since I have young kids (compared to her pre-teens) that I am significantly younger but wanted to be polite about it and tell me I was “20” years younger.

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