Seriously. I Need A Vacation

I’m completely overwhelmed at work. Absolutely and completely. And I have no qualms in admitting that here.

I just spend a quick minute to type up a task list of items that I need to do. It is twenty items long. And that’s not even counting stuff that Mr. BIL and Blondie Boss haven’t even given me yet. This is just stuff that I know of.

I was in the copy room a moment ago and let my guard down long enough to complain about it (I try not to complain about stuff at work unless it is done as a joke – I try to NEVER do it seriously because I don’t want to be seen as one of “those” people) and who should walk by? Mr. BIL. Teach me never to do that again! He laughed about it, even though he could tell I wasn’t joking.

I have been working overtime – not because I’m falling behind, but because Mr. BIL has specific projects that he claims have to go out, and I’m willing to stay to get them done. But in the meantime my own task list grows because he forces me to put all other things aside to deal with that one binder, or that one letter, or that one email, that he claims is the Most Important Thing Of All. And that is what is causing me to fall behind.

I can’t stay late tonight because of music practice, but I know for a fact I’ll be staying late tomorrow night, and maybe even Friday, in an attempt to get my task list down to a more manageable level.

02 comments on “Seriously. I Need A Vacation

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    You need to go to Mr. BIL and ask him to priorotize your job list.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Nah, I know my priorities – his idea of priorities are different, however.

    Fortunately, he has been helpful this afternoon and I have managed to clear off 7 items from my task list and I can ALMOST see Mr. BIL’s face when he’s in his office (normally he’s completely obscured by the stacks on my ledge). I can now see his forehead.

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