I’m a Busy Bee

This morning I had a 3 hour training session on our new operating system here at work. We changed over to Microsoft 2003 and with our specialized software package there were a lot of changes. I didn’t think I’d learn anything from the training, but I actually learned a number of helpful things, so it wasn’t a total waste of time.

I also found out that the system has been freed up enough that now I can set up my customized templates menu in Word. I used those at the investment bank I worked for in NYC and missed having such an easy way to call up document templates that I use frequently. I’ve now loaded up those macros on my machine, and then volunteered to do the same for a handful of admins and paralegals that I work for.

Once training ended at 12:30 p.m. I went to lunch and was upstairs when Mr. BIL walked in. He was supposed to be out all day at a mediation but it ended early. He crowed, “It was short!” and I groaned, “I had hoped it would be long!” which made everyone in the lunch room laugh.

I worked over an hour of OT last night to get a bunch of stuff done. I had gotten everything to “near final” by the end of the day and thinking that Mr. BIL would be out the entire day today, I wanted them to be in actual final form so that I could just mail ’em out after my training was done. I’m SO happy I did that because once I got back from lunch I was able to get half of my ledge cleared off and a good portion of the area behind my chair. All because of that 1+ hour I spent here last night.

One comment on “I’m a Busy Bee

  • Bev , Direct link to comment

    It’s amazing what you can get done when you have undisturbed
    time (no phones, no bosses) to think!

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