Memo to Mr. BIL

So having done all of Mr. BIL’s transcription today, I’ve come to the realization that he doesn’t know how to end his “tapes” now. Before he always ended his tapes by saying, “That’s the end of this tape,” and on every transcription I’ve done today he has ended by saying, “That’s the end of this…uh,” and then filled in the blank with various terms (never repeating one).

So I wrote him the following memo:

Mr. BIL, having worked so diligently today transcribing your many dictation transcriptions, I am aware that you are having some difficulty with ways in which to end your recording. Previously you would say, “That’s the end of this tape,” but now that we are using a digital format, I feel that it is my duty, as your most honorable secretary, to provide you with some alternatives.

I have met with some of the more creative team members at this firm, and we have come up with the following suggestions:

  • Word.
  • Ice, Ice Baby.
  • You can take that to the bank.
  • That’s what I’m talkin’ about.

I would be happy to meet with you to discuss these options and any others you would like to consider.

He was going to go with “That’s what I’m talkin’ about,” but then another attorney popped in and said, “Peace out,” would be a good option as well. A few moments later as the visiting attorney left, he cried, “Peace out!” to which Mr. BIL responded, “That’s what *I’m* talkin’ about!”

LOVE this firm.

04 comments on “Memo to Mr. BIL

  • mbm , Direct link to comment

    I think I will definitely consider working there with the new “lingo” and all the other great things you’ve spoken about. Sounds like a really great place to work!

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    Maybe I should look into a job there, too. They looking for someone in their accounting/billing dept?

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Wouldn’t it be a hoot if we were all down there in SC? MBM, are you considering it in the future?

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    MBM – that would ROCK and I think you’d love it here.

    Jen – our accounting person may be due to retire soon – she’s getting up there and has been here FOREVER. So you never know – if you are in the area when the time comes I’ll definitely recommend you for the position!!

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