Golf Tourney Warmup

Today is the attorney golf tourney in the office. The attorneys are giddy with excitement. Just now I was walking from my desk to the copy room to send out a package, and was reading a document that was part of my documentation. Head down, I didn’t notice that at the end of the hallway stood five attorneys, golf clubs in hand. It was only when I got to the doorway of the copy room that I looked up and saw them giggling.

Turns out that I headed down the hallway just as one of the summer associates putted the ball, and it happened to roll right between my feet unnoticed as I walked toward them. I congratulated the summer associate (we’ll call him Colin Farrell since he is a DEAD RINGER and I’M NOT EVEN JOKING) and told him he could take 5 points off his scorecard for avoiding the hazard.

In other funny bits, this morning Mr. BIL brought in a box of “resume paper” with a huge CAREER BUILDER logo on it. He left it on my desk and asked me to make a quick edit to his girlfriend’s resume and print out a few copies for her (his girlfriend doesn’t have a computer and is an interior designer and isn’t computer-savvy as it is). The box sat there for a good two hours before I could address it, but in the meantime people kept coming by looking pointedly at the box. One co-worker (I have to get a nickname for her – I talk about her all the time but haven’t affixed a name to her yet) said, “Uh, Jaynee, you might need to think about being more STEALTH in your job hunt.”

Then just a few minutes ago she and I were joking outside Mr. BIL’s office and she hollered, “Mr. BIL – haven’t you fired Jaynee yet? She’s already sending out her resume anyway!” He came out laughing and said, “I know, I’ve already alerted human resources that she really has to go.”