YAY! Review Went Well

My review went well today and I got a 4% raise and a cute little bonus to boot. So YAY for that. Mr. BIL had nothing but nice things to say and Blondie Boss only said that our relationship is too new to really comment on, but she did have a few nits and kinks she wanted us to work on.

I am now ALMOST making what I made as a secretary up in NYC back in 2000. *lol*

In other Firm news, the attorneys are plotting the course for the annual inter-office golf tournament. Yes, inter-office. As in IN THE OFFICE. They set up an 18-hole putt putt golf course all around the office and have all the attorneys play one afternoon in August. Since it’s a new office, they have to plan a new course. I have two attorneys outside my cubicle right now deciding if my particular hallway will be a Par 2 or Par 3 hole.

LOVE this place.

07 comments on “YAY! Review Went Well

  • Bev , Direct link to comment

    Congratulations! How nice to have a job that
    you like so much!

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    I believe I’m at the salary level I was when I first start at the American Lung Association in 1998. LOL

    Another decade down here and I should be able to catch up to where I was when we left NJ. LOL

  • miked , Direct link to comment

    wow, congrats Jaynee!

    Your workplace sounds so awesome… The interoffice golf thing sounds like a lot of fun.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Denis – if they keep giving me 4% raises every year, in four years I’ll be back up to what I was making in NYC when I left to work in NoNJ. That’s reasonable.

    Of course, winning the lottery between now and then would be preferable. *lol*

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