Video Is Converting Right Now

The video is converting right now. I’m just going to upload it here rather than upload it at YouTube – I’d prefer NOT to go global, know what I mean? *lol*

Okay, here you go – it’s a WMV file (Windows Media). It’s big (7 MB), so be prepared.

All of Life is a Song

02 comments on “Video Is Converting Right Now

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Too cute! I miss those kids. Marmie sends hugs and kisses. XXXOOO

  • Vanessa , Direct link to comment

    They were adorable, even if CootieGirl looked a little spastic with her running from one end to the other. CootieBoy was so sweet with his little “come true” solo, even if he did try to cover up the camera 😀

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