I Could Eat Cookie Dough All Day

It always makes me laugh when Blogathoners end up talking about the food they eat all day. We all do it – I think it’s because we’re stuck in front of a computer all day with nothing else to really entertain us.

So far today I’ve talked about my chocolate milk and potato chips, my dutch baby pancake, my pulled pork BBQ sandwich and now I’ll talk about cookie dough. As in – Denis just finished making the dough and was kind enough to bring me the beater covered in doughy goodness. And he thinks I was kidding, but I’m totally going to go in there and put some dough in a bowl and bring it back in here to eat. It is WRONG to bake all the dough! SOME DOUGH MUST BE EATEN RAW! It’s practically a LAW or something.

Isn’t it? Well, if it isn’t, it should be.

07 comments on “I Could Eat Cookie Dough All Day

  • Pico , Direct link to comment

    That’s certainly the rule in my house, and not just for cookie dough. Brownie batter, cake batter, cinnamon roll dough…they all fall squarely into the Law Of Raw.

    Then again, this may just be one of the perks of singleness. You decide. đŸ˜‰

  • gwynne , Direct link to comment

    I’ve been known to make the dough for the sole purpose of eating it that way. Who needs an oven?

  • Vanessa , Direct link to comment

    I love to eat the raw cookie dough, but you do have to be careful about the raw egg content. Too much *will* make you sick, though I’ve been lucky enough to avoid that particular problem thus far in my life, and if you just look at me, you know I’ve eaten a LOT of cookie dough over the years. But yes, it should totally be a law. I think its unwritten and unspoken, just a given.

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    Eggs are pasturized and they should be fairly safe. It’s not a matter of how much of them you eat, it, but whether or not one of them is salmonella laden. Until we got married I didn’t know anyone who ate cookie raw cookie dough regularly. Sure I liked the beaters as a kid, but never sat down to a bowl of raw cookie dough.

    Now it’s possible my past girlfriends were doing it too and keeping it from me for fear of scaring me off, and I don’t remember you making a show of eating cookie dough before we got married. Must be something that stays in the closet until after the vows are exchanged. Glad you liked it.

    I still managed to get the better part of 60 jumbo cookies out of the recipe that calls for 112 cookies. Bigger is better.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Denis said, “Bigger is better”.

    Just remember to tell me that the next time I complain about my weight.

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