And So It Begins

It is 9:00 a.m. and it seems fitting that I have a 3 year old boy screaming to be on my lap which doesn’t allow me to type the very first post for the Blogathon.

I have my Yahoo Messenger on – feel free to IM me (user id: Jaynee (of course)). Since I don’t accept 99.9% of the people that I get trying to connect, if there’s a way to put “BLOGATHON” in a field as part of your friend request, I’ll definitely accept and we can chat!

02 comments on “And So It Begins

  • Pico , Direct link to comment

    Good morning! 🙂

    I’m Pico, your friendly monitor for the next 24 hours. I’ll be coming by every hour or so to check on you, but if you need anything or have questions, just let me know (Y! IM: picoesque).


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