A Good Day, Despite CootieBoy’s Illness

CootieBoy was a sweet boy this morning despite not feeling well. He was content to sit with me on the sofa watching PBS Kids while I read Harry Potter #6. He snuggled into my arm and showed very little malcontent except for when I’d get up to leave the room for whatever reason. And even his malcontent was halfhearted and sweet just the same. His fever eventually came down on it’s own around lunchtime (I didn’t bother trying with medicine without the second person there to pin him down). We had dry cereal together for breakfast, followed by french toast a few hours later for lunch.

Denis arrived home around 1:30 p.m. to be with CootieBoy the rest of the day, and once the last remaining pages of Harry Potter were read I quickly put my work clothes on and headed for the office.

Upon arriving I found there wasn’t really too much to do – lots of mail, a couple copies, printing some documents, one lone dictation tape. Mr. BIL has been in a meeting since 3:30 p.m. and I still don’t know if I’ll be working late tonight or not (when I called in this morning I volunteered to work late to make up some lost time).

In art news, today one of my co-workers bought one of my paintings, which I’m very excited about. She was out on Friday when I first brought them in, but today she saw and definitely liked the one she had seen on Etsy last week, and so I gave her a discount and she bought it. Very excited to have another sale. Tonight with any luck I’ll have time to work on the “test drive” painting of the commission from last week as well as do the base color for the painting my other co-worker asked about last week.

And I didn’t report on our poker night – one couple backed out, but the other three folks showed up. Denis ended up winning $77 and Jason, Skater’s brother, took home the remaining $43. It was low-stakes poker since Skater’s wife opted to just watch the four of us play. In fun poker action, towards the end of the game Jason said he wanted to play just five more hands before splitting the pot. He was down to about $15-20. Sure enough during those five hands he got TWO (count ’em – TWO) four-of-a-kinds. We had JUST had the conversation about high hands that we had seen (I have only seen one four of a kind, and it was mine about two years ago), when VOILA – Jason gets two within five hands. He all but doubled his money during those last five hands of the game. It was a fun night and I’m happy to report that our house is still spotless.

In the last bit of news, this weekend I headed over to Garden Ridge to buy another rug for the house. But the sales prices of $30 for an 8×10 are long gone, and this time I paid $99 for an 8×10 – still very reasonable considering I’m buying a rug specifically so that it can get dirty all it wants in the next 5-10 years). It was for the TV room. The carpeting in there is just a mess from the kids and no amount of steam/vac cleaning will get out those stains. At some point we’ll replace the carpeting in there, but for now I’d rather just lay down a heavily patterned rug that won’t show stains as easily. The first one I brought home turned out to be a mess once it was unrolled, so I took it back yesterday and got a completely different pattern (Denis hated the one I originally brought home anyway).

And there you have it – all up to date.