More on Blogathon 2007

Today is Blogathon promotion day, so here’s another post all about it!

What exactly is the Blogathon?
At 9:00am EST on July 28th, bloggers from around the world will begin blogging for 24 continuous hours to raise money for their charity of choice. Last year, almost $100,000 was raised.

How much do you hope to raise and for what organization?
I am hoping to raise a minimum of $500 for Modest Needs, which is an organization that helps people out who are facing financial difficulties that can be resolved with small grants up to $1,000.

What makes this group so special?
Well, the fact that it is trying to help the world, one small debt at a time. How often have you had a car repair that you just couldn’t afford. Or your paycheck just couldn’t cover the rent AND groceries because you had an unexpected financial emergency? Modest Needs provides small grants to people who are just down on their luck and need that one small break at that very moment.

48 posts in one day? What are you going to write about?
This year I’m also helping out by moderating during the Blogathon, so I can predict that a good number of my posts will be about the other great blogathon participants and their causes. But you never know what I’ll write about.

How can I make a pledge for your cause?
1. Click here to sign up at
2. Fill in your details and enter the amount you wish to pledge.
3. Tune in on July 28th to see what I’ll talk about for 24 hours.
4. After the event, you will receive an email from reminding to send in your donation.
5. Follow the directions in the email to complete your donation directly to Modest Needs.

What if I would rather support another cause?
That’s would be awesome! Check out the amazing list of participants at and their charities to find the right fit for you.

What if I don’t want to register at
If you’d rather not register at please email me (cootiehog @ gmail dot com) with how much you’d like to donate, and I can enter a proxy pledge on your behalf. You’d still make the donation directly to the charity after the Blogathon ends.

Does Cootiehog or ever receive any of my donation money?
No. The only money exchanged is directly between you and Modest Needs after the Blogathon has ended.

Are you giving any money?
I am committing to match 15% of all donations that I receive through this Blogathon, up to $1,000.00. So, if I raise $1,000.00 or more, I’ll match with my own $150 donation.