Update: Blogathon 2007

blogathon2007.jpgSo I’m all signed up for this year’s Blogathon. This will be my third one (having done it in 2003 and 2005 as well). I’ve decided to blog in honor of Modest Needs due to the latest bad news for Miz L that happened on Friday. Modest Needs is a great organization which provides small financial grants for those in need – whether it’s to buy a new washing machine or pay a month’s worth of back rent. I had hoped to do a sponsorship for local charity group in my area, but they don’t take online donations at this time. So Modest Needs it is – still a very worthy charity, albeit on a more national level. You can click on the graphic in this post to sponsor me!! – My goal is to raise $500.00 and I will match 15% of whatever monies are donated via my Blogathon link, up to $1,000 (i.e., if I get $1,000 in donations, I’ll add $150 to the total).

The event is taking place in Saturday, July 28 from 9 a.m. EST to Sunday, July 29 at 9 a.m. EST. I’m not sure yet if I’m going to have a theme – my very original thought was to do a book theme and sponsor a literacy charity, but my heart bleeds for Miz L, so I thought it best to sponsor the type of organization that would help out people like her.

Additional info for sponsors: Your information will be kept private to the public when you sign up to make a donation. Only I will see your information. Alternatively, you can opt to be anonymous even to me if you would prefer that. You will still need to input a valid email address in order to sponsor me.