Reason #523,435 Why I Love My Job

This happened yesterday late in the afternoon and I forgot to post about it. I love that I can joke freely with my boss and not worry about ramifications. He is quite open about his chemical past – he was quite the partier as a teen and young adult. His early antics are legendary around The Firm although he has been clean and sober for over 15 years.

Mr. BIL had a client waiting for him downstairs. I took a lap around our floor to see if I could find him, to no avail. So I paged him. Two seconds later he calls me from an attorney’s office down the hall.

“Where were you?” I asked. “I walked by Preppy Lawyer’s office and you were NOT in there.”

“I was here the whole time,” he replied with a laugh. I could hear Preppy Lawyer laughing too – I was on speakerphone. Then Mr. BIL laughs and asks, “Did you smoke something at lunch? You know – we are thinking about reinstituting drug testing here at The Firm, so you had better watch out. I’ll make sure you are first in line.”

“I’ll actually be SECOND in line because YOU’LL be the one they call first!!”

And what’s awesome? He and Preppy Lawyer laughed like that was the funniest thing they’d heard all day.