Twelve Tapes

I’ve done twelve dictation tapes so far today. Twelve. That’s a lot of typing in a single workday. And sadly, I have two more to do, for a total of fourteen by day’s end. My fingers are almost numb.

But I’m happy to report that of those twelve tapes, EIGHT of them have gone out to clients in final form today – that’s a near record day I think. We were VERY productive today to get those eight things done.

The flowers that I got for my birthday last week are surprisingly healthy on my desk counter, but I will be bringing them home tonight so that I can replant CootieGirl’s tomato seed sprouts which will die if they stay in their small pot one day longer. The sunflower sprouts we planted died a couple days ago since we didn’t transplant them to a larger pot.

Today I was invited out to lunch with a few of the girls. And it turns out that one of the girls that I thought was a total party girl is actually pretty naive and “goody goody” about things. It was cracking me up because the other two ladies were being really coarse and over the top with their conversation just because of the reactions they’d get from Goody Mac (her nickname on this site). They took me to this little diner downtown that supposedly has good food, but my dish was just okay (BBQ sandwich with fries). The fries were excellent, but the BBQ was way too tangy (which probably meant it was perfect to the regular BBQ fan).

Despite being busy all day and going out to lunch this day has been very slow for me. Agonizingly slow. And for the past three nights it has rained beginning around the dinner hour. I’m hoping it doesn’t do that tonight because I would like to take CootieBoy to the pool for some quality swim time. My commute home was amazing because about halfway home the rain turned from drizzly and mildly annoying to downright dangerous. Little to no visibility, wipers rendered ineffective because of the heavy sheets rains, lightning cracking in the sky nonstop, numerous cars pulled haphazardly off to the side to wait it out, and wind so strong it made the rain blow SIDEWAYS at some point. For at least a mile I was only going 20 miles per hour despite the fact that there was virtually no traffic on the actual road. And then just like that it was over and went back to a mild sprinkle for the last few miles home.

Okay, that’s it for now. Back to my dictation.

One comment on “Twelve Tapes

  • Uncle Bill , Direct link to comment

    When I was watching season 1 of The Practice last week I couldn’t help thinking of you and The Firm.

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