I’m Going Back to MARMIE’S!

The post title quote was not said joyously, but rather in contempt when I had the unmitigated gall to put CootieGirl’s long hair into a pigtail braid this morning. She was NOT happy, even though her hair had very few tangles to brush through in comparison to other mornings.

Looks like CootieGirl will now be dreaming daily of returning to her own personal Xanadu known as Marmie’s house if she is disciplined or looked at the wrong way.

“CootieGirl, eat your peas.”
“I’m going back to MARMIE’S!”

“CootieGirl, turn off the tv.”
“I’m going back to MARMIE’S!”

“CootieGirl, you have to get up for school now.”
“I’m going back to MARMIE’S!”

“CootieGirl, you cannot wear makeup until you are 13 years old.”
“I’m going back to MARMIE’S!”

“CootieGirl, your curfew is midnight and not a second later.”
“I’m going back to MARMIE’S!”

Oh, I have a feeling it’ll go on for a VERY long time.

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