Okay, I Think I’m Ready

I spent about an hour tonight gathering all my stuff together for my art market tomorrow. I’ll definitely be able to get everything into my own car rather than take the van. I have my crate that holds all my paintings, a few blankets, and all my materials, a medium box holding two of my big blankets, a tube that has my banner, and the three tables I’ll be using.

I’m taking 16 paintings of various sizes, a dozen aceos, 4 baby blankets and two adult blankets. For a two hour market that’s more than enough inventory. For the July show I’ll have a notebook with pictures of all my other inventory. I don’t know that I have the energy to make that tonight, but I may try since it’s only 10:15 p.m. right now.

Tomorrow I’ll need to gather a few more supplies together as well as go to a bank to get $100 in small bills and change for folks that want to pay cash (if I make a sale, that is).

I’m excited to finally be at a place when I can put the first art market behind me and get my feet wet. And tomorrow’s experience will help me plan better for the July art market and beyond.

03 comments on “Okay, I Think I’m Ready

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    I’ll be praying that all goes well and you have a very successful evening! Nothing gives more encouragement than having some really nice sales.

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    Don’t forget the folding chair to sit on and if you wind up needing my van, just drive to the parking lot in my office and switch cars. Can’t wait to find out how it goes.

    Are you ever going to fix the problem in IE where the text box goes into your right column? I think I can fix that for you, if you like. Fortunately, I use Opera at home and that’s not a problem for me.

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