One Of Those Days

CootieGirl woke up before 6 a.m. this morning VERY excited about her trip with Marmie. Insisted on keeping us company while we (attempted) to sleep. However, as she wanted to talk, that made it hard.

In other news, yesterday I finally received my backordered swimsuit only to discover that they think just because I have large hips it means I’m also shaped like Dolly Parton up top. Absolutely ridiculous. The same thing happened with the bridesmaid dress I ordered last year for Mare-Bear’s wedding. The thing presumed I was a DD up top. After getting various shades of pissed off last night, I decided to go ahead and fork over the money for a custom swimsuit. It costs more, but would be made to my measurements. I found a site today and completed the form but when I went to checkout, it wouldn’t go to the page where I put in my credit card. So I found another site. This one also provides custom swimwear, and you just select your options. Fortunately, they had an option to select bust size, and I was able to order a swimsuit. It should arrive in the next week or so. In the meantime, the gargantuan suit from last night is headed back to the catalog from whence it was ordered.

In other news, work is really busy today but I can’t be bothered doing anything. It’s one of “those” days. I just don’t feel like it. I’ve done SOME stuff, but I’m just not in the headspace for it today. I’d much rather be home watching Days of Our Lives or Judge Joe Brown.

Lastly, upon arriving home last night I found that the tent that we put up in the backyard that is supposed to be for my craft fairs had fallen in the rainstorms we had yesterday. One of the pipes bent, and there were bugs ALL OVER IT. I was pissed off about that one too. Granted, we didn’t take the time to tether it down once we put it up, but still – it wasn’t THAT windy yesterday. I didn’t even want to address it last night, but I did at least move all the various parts of the patio so it wouldn’t lay on the grass for the next two days. Cuz I’m not dealing with that thing until the rain is gone. I’m hoping the thing is still usable once we sort it all out, but for now I do know that at least one screen has a rip in it and at least one pipe is bent. Who knows what else went on when that thing fell yesterday.

And that’s it for now. Have a good day if I don’t talk to you again.

One comment on “One Of Those Days

  • Cristan , Direct link to comment

    Maybe they mixed up our tops! I ordered mine when you mentioned
    ordering yours…one of the tops fit great, so…without trying
    the other on, I brought it to FLA with us, and it’s perfectly
    indecent to wear in public, it’s so small! (The boobage area, that it).

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