Quiet Night

So yesterday evening started out rough – I got to daycare late because I got out of work late. The daycare worker was miffed when I walked in fifteen minutes after closing time. Her car left the parking lot before I even had the kids in their carseats. On the way home I told the kids what we’d be doing so there would be no arguments. “We’re going to make grilled cheese sandwiches with chips and milk and THEN you can have a cookie.”

So of course, we get home and CootieBoy throws a fit because he wants his milk NOW. And he wants his cookie NOW. And he wants his sandwich NOW. And those chips? NOW. Ugh. However, once he had his milk and saw that I was pulling out bread and cheese for the sandwiches he calmed down.

Until it was time to sit at the table. For some reason he got it in his head that we would be sitting at the table in front of the tv. However, this is not something I normally allow, so I don’t know why he figured it would be okay. I put his plate and cup on the kitchen table and he threw another fit. CootieGirl and I sat down in our chairs and began discussing how tasty the sandwiches were and my, aren’t these chips tasty? And CootieBoy sat on the floor, tears streaming down his face. But he couldn’t stand it for too long, and eventually wailed, “I want sandwich!” and climbed into his chair at the kitchen table where he immediately cheered up and gobbled down the sandwich in question.

Denis called during dinner and spoke to both of the kids, and then we spent the next hour playing with some toys. CootieBoy is currently enamored with his Diego truck and animals, so we zoomed those around the foyer for a while. CootieGirl had brought home from daycare a stuffed penguin and a writing notebook. Turns out each kid takes Paxton the Penguin home for the night and writes in the notebook about what they did that night. Unfortunately, we had nothing exciting to write. If Denis had been here we could have written about how CootieGirl and Paxton went to the pool for an hour, but no Denis = no pool since I would have had to take both kids and that would have been chaos.

The kids got ready for bed easily enough, but once again CootieBoy had some mild panic since he knew Denis wasn’t here. But he was much easier to pacify last night than the first night. Once he was down I read CootieGirl (and Paxton) a story and then it was lights out.

I spent the rest of the evening online and watching tv (I’m SO happy that Hell’s Kitchen is back and that the eye-candy known as Gordon Ramsay will be gazing back at me every Monday night this summer).

As I was laying in bed about to fall asleep I thought about my taxes due in SC for my business (I got the new tax booklet in the mail yesterday). Upon waking up this morning I logged in to the SC Department of Revenue website only to find that I’m supposed to file taxes every month for the previous month. So, May’s return is due on June 12. Can that be right? Do I really have to file on a MONTHLY basis? I looked at doing the first quarter (since I had a sale in late March), and it said, “Be aware that this return is overdue and you may be assessed penalties, yadda yadda yadda.” Now, I don’t think I’ll be assessed penalties since I made no money when you compare expenses versus revenue. But still…

04 comments on “Quiet Night

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    Sorry to hear about any tantrums. Sounds like what happens when I bring them home. I wish I had the magic formula to fix this. All we can do is be consistent and stick to our guns and eventually, I hope, CootieBoy will come around.

    Glad you got to settle down and watch some TV. Hell’s Kitchen was okay. That big Asian guy is a trip.

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    I only pay my VA state sales taxes quarterly, which are due the 20th of the month after the quarter ends ~ it’s optional whether you sign up to do it monthly or quarterly.

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    I’m surprised you don’t have to pay quarterly. As our accoutant in NJ explained it, unless you’re going to owe taxes in Apr. you don’t have to worry about paying quarterly. Just my two cents.

  • Bev , Direct link to comment

    We went through tantrums when our youngest son was two.
    They were typically in the evening when we got home from
    work/day care. In retrospect, I think he was on overload.
    He did eventually outgrow it (I guess that’s what it was),
    we were never able to quell the tantrums consistently, but
    tried everything we could come up with! CootieBoy WILL
    get better, sounds like you guys are doing the best
    consistent parenting you can! 🙂

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