A Quiet Finish To The Weekend

The rest of the weekend ended up being really nice, despite CootieBoy’s continuing fever and earache. Saturday night Denis and I passed out in front of the TV watching a Steve McQueen movie (“Bullitt”, which I won’t review except to say that other than the awesome car chase through San Francisco it was a pretty boring movie). Yesterday CootieBoy was still feeling poorly, so I went on to church while Denis and the kids stayed home.

Setup at church went really fast, giving us a lot of time to practice. Practice went smoothly, and it was a really good set. During the service itself we had a few hiccups, but for the most part it was one of the better sets we’ve done. The message from the pastor was great – it was about praying for ourselves, and how God loves it when we come to him with requests – from the mindless (“I need a parking space”) to the earnest (healing, pain, sin). As long as our prayers are honest and seeking, they will be listened to and answered (although we have to be prepared for a “No” (“I want to win the lottery”) or “Not Yet” (“I want to get married”)). This is all stuff I’ve heard many times before in churches past, but I just loved our pastor’s take on it yesterday. After the service we were breaking down equipment and a lot of people came up and told us they loved the music. One guy in particularly pointed at me while he was complimenting us and said, “YOU were great – your harmonies were perfect and really added to the songs.” Wow! I was really flattered by that.

The afternoon was spent with the kids and doing laundry. At some point CootieGirl and I were having a sandwich for lunch and she said, “MOM – you have to do the laundry!” I laughed and asked, “Did your take tell you to say that?” She answered in the affirmative and I heard Denis holler from the office, “She ratted me out!”

The kids helped me paint some ACEOs for a while (which will be posted at Etsy sometime this week) and we took turns picking things to watch on TV. Denis took CootieGirl to the store with him and CootieBoy and I cuddled on the sofa. I also made brownies. Yum. At some point early in the evening CootieBoy passed out on the floor, so I picked him up and took him upstairs to bed, since it was close enough to bedtime as it was. He was really feverish but refused to take any medicine and we didn’t feel like going through the struggle of pinning him down, so we turned on a fan in his room and let him be. Before I left his room I laid my hand on his burning forehead and prayed for him. But not just for his illness, but for the boy he was becoming, and the man he would become. When he fell asleep, I ended the prayer and snuck out of the room. He slept fitfully for the first few hours but finally settled into deep slumber.

I also managed to make another fleece blanket after putting CootieBoy to bed, and listed that at Etsy as soon as it was done. I worked on the computer for a bit and watched two episodes of “Ugly Betty” (two more to go and I’m done). Denis watched tv in the other room before calling it a night. I stayed up for a little bit longer to wait for the dryer to finish so I could put in the next load to dry. Then I went to bed myself.

As for my leg, it is strictly in the healing zone. It itches like the devil and I’m down to a single regular bandaid over it to keep it from getting irritated. Which reminds me – I forgot to take my antibiotic this morning. I’m down to the last six pills and I’m done.

So that was the remainder of our weekend. This week will be mostly quiet, and then Denis’ mom and brother arrive sometime on Friday for the holiday weekend. With any luck the kids will be healthy and we can do fun things like the zoo or the pool (which opens this weekend – YAY!).