
Could I be suddenly manic-depressive? Seriously, my utter despair from a few hours ago has turned into a wild-eyed heady energy that makes me keep posting over and over again. I’m up to post number 8 or 9 now.

So here’s my actual question (no that wasn’t my question, although you can still answer it if you want to – it wasn’t rhetorical).

When you visit blogs, do you prefer to see the entire whole long post or just the first opening paragraph followed by a link to the rest of the post? I usually let the whole post hang out unless there’s something only certain people want to read. However, sometimes my posts are REALLY long and it makes for a daunting front page to the blog because visitors have to do some major scrolling to get to the next post and see if it’s worth checking out. So I just went through all the posts on the front page and put the “more” tag in the longer posts so that it’s easier for guests to scroll and pick and choose what they want to read without their mouse trigger finger going numb from scrolling up and down (presuming they have a mouse like mine with a roller bar between the left and right buttons for easier scrolling).

But there is the fear that people may read that first paragraph and say, “That’s not worth reading anymore,” and just move along, when the main content may be the best part compared to the opening paragraph.

Is it wrong that THIS has become my chief concern at this moment in time?

By the way – as of 5:19 p.m. I can tell you that I’ve gotten NONE of the items on my “Okay, I’ll do those work items but nothing else” list. I’m good. Actually, that’s a lie. The truth is that I have done some work on those projects but they are all at a point now where Mr. BIL needs to look at them and I just haven’t had the ability to meet with him to get him to give the A-OK on these things.

Seriously – it’s a weird day today, people.

04 comments on “Question

  • Uncle Bill , Direct link to comment

    In the newspaper biz’ they call it a pyramid. You put the most important stuff (who, what, where, etc.)at the top and taper off at the bottom with the less important.

  • beth , Direct link to comment

    I’m a whole post gal, myself…though I like it cause it means I can read the whole thing in my reader and only pop over here if I actually have something to say. (Which is rare.)

    OTOH, if you do only snippets, then more people will pop over, which might up the # of comments you get, so…maybe that’s a good thing?

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    beth – but the question is how many feedreaders do I have? I’ve yet to make that determination. I agree that for feedreader purposes then having the whole post is best.

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