No More Work, Please!

I don’t feel like doing anymore work today. So I’m going to do my best to avoid it at all costs. Of course, I’ll still do the powerpoint charts that I have on my desk. But that’s it. Oh, and the two invoices – I’ll go ahead and mail those out. But those and the powerpoint – that’s it. Oh, and the email that just needs the attachments put on it. I’ll do that too. Okay, email, letters, powerpoint. That’s it. Although I think those planning docs can go out. So I’ll take care of that too, once Mr. BIL approves the letter. But that’s it. Seriously. No more after that.

Have I mentioned that I’m working this Saturday? Yep, I’m meeting Mr. BIL at about 10:30 a.m. on Saturday to clean up his office, get it organized, and do massive filing. I should be here about 5-6 hours if all goes well. That’s a nice amount of OT, sure, but remember that wall I talked about in the last post?