I Thought I Smelled Something

This morning when I was leaving the house (for the first of many times), I thought I smelled smoke. I looked all up and down the block because it was really pervasive, but I didn’t see any smoke.

I drove the kids over to daycare, and the smell was significantly lessened, but I could still smell it.

Turns out, the smell was actually from Georgia. Crazy, right?

02 comments on “I Thought I Smelled Something

  • amy , Direct link to comment

    I smelled that too!!! I even told Emma when I picked her up from school that a neighbor was burning a fire and I had smelled smoke. Can’t believe smoke travels that far.

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    How did I miss this smoke? I see there’s a report about the smoke on the news this morning. Oh, well.

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