A Little Bit Of This, A Little Bit Of That

Last night I sold one of my ACEOs at Etsy (one of my Mondrian tribute ACEOs). Very excited about that. It’s always encouraging when something sells – especially when it’s to a perfect stranger! =)

Yesterday I got a package from one of my art supply companies that included applicator bottles with super-fine tips. I found that the liquid leading on the ACEOs were just too thick and not doing what I wanted. An Etsy-mate found the mini applicator bottles and I promptly ordered them. I did a test last night and they are PERFECT. Which means I can now do the custom ACEO that another Etsy person asked for last week. My first attempt was bad because of the inability to thin out the leading lines. No I don’t even have to try and thin them out at all! YAY! I will be on an ACEO making frenzy next week.

Denis and I also had a very brief discussion over my getting the business started, and I was relieved when he said something to the effect of, “You supported my real estate for four years, I can support your art now too.” I’ve invested a lot of money in supplies, marketing, promotional materials, and fees. Okay, not a LOT really – considering that I’m starting a business. But enough to make me nervous about the need to start making sales soon to recoup some of that money.

Last night I also worked a bit on my mom’s promotional materials for her company’s new debut. She’s redoing everything about her company – the letterhead, website, product labels, etc. Last night I worked on the letterhead, business cards and product labels, since they all had to be at the printer by this morning in order to beat Mom’s deadline. Since I know Illustrator a bit better than Denis, it was easier for me to do it than for me to show Denis how to do it and let him take over. I’ve been away from Illustrator just long enough (almost a year) that I forgot some stuff, but by the end of the night I was back into it and was able to do things easily enough. I think her new company logo/web appearance is going to be amazing and she made a good choice (she held a contest and let people submit ideas of logos – she received about fifty entries and the one she chose was the obvious winner by a long shot – it is FABULOUS).

Tonight is cleanup night at the house. With my family all arriving tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m., tonight is the night to get sheets, towels and clothes washed, bathrooms cleaned, carpets vacuumed, surfaces dusted and the sofabed made up (that’s where Denis and I are sleeping this weekend, and I’m NOT telling you a lie when I say I’m SO excited about sleeping on that thing – more on that after the weekend!). Whew. I’m tired just thinking about all we have to do tonight!!

02 comments on “A Little Bit Of This, A Little Bit Of That

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Many, many thanks for all your help last night/this morning. Yawn…we were up late last night, people. Should be worth it, though!

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