Absolutely Nothing

When you ask what we did this weekend, my answer is: Absolutely Nothing. And yet we DID do stuff, but it was just kind of one of those weekends where nothing stands out.

Friday I received my fleece fabric and I made three blankets over the weekend. Two of them are listed on Etsy (see Etsy list on right sidebar for picture of one of them). The third one is my “first try” blanket, which will go to Jen and Baby Jesse. So that’s one thing we did this weekend.

On Saturday we attempted to go to the Fest-I-Fun craft fair in Fort Mill. We drove over only to find it completely shut down. We found out later that a pizza joint on Main Street had an electrical fire that began Friday night at 3 a.m. and completely gutted the building and effectively ended the weekend-long festival, which will not be rescheduled. Bummer that, since I had hoped to see how popular the festival was to know whether to participate as an art seller next year.

Since we were out and about we opted to go out to lunch and popped into a restaurant near our house. CootieBoy was borderline in his behavior, but he ordered spagetti and had a blast eating it. The restaurant is smaller than it looks from outside.

Yesterday we decided to skip church. With CootieBoy’s recovering pinkeye and bad cold, we just figured it would be a better bet to stay home for the day. I should have taken the opportunity to do some gardening (I still need to rip out that ivy in the front) or cleaning (since my family is coming to visit this coming weekend), but instead I stayed in all day doing nothing with CootieBoy while Denis and CootieGirl did go out for a bit in the afternoon to run errands.

I did at least do laundry. I also did a little bit of painting (I’m working on tea-related ACEOs for my mom’s open house that’s coming up). Watched a movie (review coming up later). Caught up on my Tivo shows. That’s about it.

Fascinating, I know.

One comment on “Absolutely Nothing

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    Sounds like our weekend. Except that Jesse’s dedication was yesterday, so that was a fun time.

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