That’s What She Said…No Time…But She Did…NO TIME!

Have I mentioned how much I love The Office? Last week’s episode went nowhere, but was very funny. Have I also mentioned that I have 26 episodes of The Office saved on my Tivo?

In other news, today has been a busy day. I have spent the past two hours doing library stuff. I’m in charge of the entire firm library and it’s a daunting task since it was never REALLY explained to me when I got here. It was just kind of thrown at me and I was expected to know what to do. I pity the poor person who takes over from me because they’ll be even more clueless.

Mr. BIL has been out the past two hours (thus my ability to dedicate 2 whole hours to the library). He knows I’m leaving early, and yet somehow I think he’ll panic when he gets back and realizes he only has 3 hours or so of my time to get things done. I’m leaving today at 4:45 p.m. because Denis and I have tickets to see the symphony. In Columbia. Ouch. That’s an hour drive just to get there. I don’t know what we were thinking when we bought the tickets last fall. Oh I know what we were thinking, “Hey it’ll be fun! Let’s do it!”

Okay, I need to get back to work. I’m skipping lunch today so that I can leave early. I get to have PopTarts for lunch – and no, that’s not a complaint.

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