A Nice Surprise

Apparently this week played host to Professional Admin Day, but I didn’t know since I was home with CootieBoy. But upon arriving to work this morning I found $50 in cash and a gift certificate for a local restaurant. A nice way to come back to work! They may not give huge bonuses come year-end, but I love how they give treats to the admins throughout the year.

I contacted HR about shortening the vacation time I had planned for May 16 and June 21. So bummed about that, but it had to be done.

CootieBoy is back to his former glory in all regards – he was a madman once Denis arrived home and proceeded to drive him crazy within a couple hours. But CootieBoy slept in his own bed THE WHOLE NIGHT. It was glorious!

Denis and I struggled to put CootieGirl’s new bike together last night. They don’t make those instructions very easy, and we wish we still lived next door to our former neighbor Art, who was a bike fanatic and probably could have put the whole thing together in 10 minutes as opposed to our 1+ hour. The brakes aren’t working correctly, so we won’t give it to her until tomorrow (we hope to fix the problem tonight), but it certainly LOOKS like a bike she’ll love (pink puked up all over it).