End Of The Week Coming Just In Time

What a busy week! I’m so glad it’s over (tomorrow is a holiday for the Firm).

Mr. BIL and I had a meeting earlier this week about his lack of organization. It is concerning him enough to want to make a change in his work habits and become more diligent about tracking everything and putting it all in it’s proper place.

I should note that his office looks like a bomb went off – leaving partial schrapnel (I’m too lazy to see if I spelled that right) in my cubicle as well.

I volunteered to come in some weekend soon and spend the entire day with him cleaning out his ENTIRE office. I told him that I think the best thing to do would be to spend the day going through each and every folder, file and document and putting everything away so that his desk is absolutely clear. After that, I told him, he needs to ONLY bring out the file he’s working on at that moment, and put it away when he’s done with it. Because if he makes a to-do-list to remind him of tasks he needs to accomplish, there’s no reason to keep things out as a “reminder” to get it done – because obviously that’s not working out too well, now is it?

He seemed up for it, and happy that I volunteered to dedicate a Saturday afternoon to such a venture (and why wouldn’t I since I’d get OT pay?).

And wouldn’t you know – this morning I opened up his Outlook calendar and saw he had filled in his task list with all the items he needs to get done in the next week or two. And not only that, but as of 3:12 p.m. today he has crossed out three items with another two to be crossed out by COB today.

So it’s WORKING.

For now…

One comment on “End Of The Week Coming Just In Time

  • Kate , Direct link to comment

    I hope he realizes how lucky he is to have you!
    Hopefully it’ll pay off when the next review/raise period gets here.:)

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