I Sold A Painting! I Sold A Painting!

Imagine how surprised and happy I was to log into my Yahoo email account to find a notice from PayPal that one of my paintings had been bought! I quickly logged into Etsy and saw that it was my “Sparkly Rain” painting AND that it had been bought by a complete stranger – not someone I had ever talked to in the forums or chat rooms.

I am SO excited. Tonight I’ll sign the painting and seal it, and I’ve already emailed the buyer to let her know that I would have it in Friday’s mail. This is so great…

06 comments on “I Sold A Painting! I Sold A Painting!

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    That is awesome! Congratulations! There is nothing better than realizing people love what you pour your heart into. I am sad to see “Sparkly Rain” go as it is a favorite of mine. So, now, you really do need to get going on getting up to speed on a business name and taxes etc. That’s the not-so-fun part of small business. ;-(

  • bev , Direct link to comment

    Congratulations!! That is great news, I’m with your mom, it was one of my favorites too!

  • Jean , Direct link to comment

    That is awesome, but I’m not surprised one bit. Congrats, Jaynee!

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